Warmest Welcome to
Vasantham Nursing

We are an exclusive Women's Healthcare Center dedicated to diagnosing, preventing, treating and aiding in issues related to Women's Reproductive Health.

Honest fertility doctors at Vasantham Nursing Home truly make a difference. They are committed to their patients and strive to empower them to lead happy and healthy lives.

Labour Room

Your comfort during your delivery is of utmost importance. Our expert staff will advice expectant mothers on how they can best prepare for delivery. We will be with you every step.

Ultrasound Scan

An ultrasound scan uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of the inside of the body. We use top medical ultrasound scans to evaluate fetal development.

Neonatal Care

Sometimes your little one needs some special help in their first few days after arrival. We monitor them with watchful eyes and provide specialized nurseries until they go home.

Laparoscopic Sterilisation

Family planning is a top priority. Laparoscopic Sterilisation is an easy and safe procedure that provides permanent female contraception which prevents future pregnancies.


This is a painless procedure without side effects to look inside the uterus. The doctors at Vasantham Nursing Home use this tool as a screening procedure for infertility investigations.

Infertility Treatment

Challenges make us stronger. Every case is different and our doctors will advise on which treatment is best for the individual. Together we will beat infertility.

Opening Hours

Morning: 10:00am - 1:00pm

Evening: 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Sunday: Holiday

Medical Care

At Vasantham Nursing Home we deal with the women's reproductive system and specialize in pregnancy and childbirth.

Emergency Care

Vasantham Nursing Home is available for emergency cases. Childbirth does not always run on schedule and we are there for you 24/7.

Your Baby will be a Work of Art, It's a Piece of Your Mind and a Slice of Your Heart.

Your Dream - Our Mission





Our Specialised Team

The doctors at Vasantham Nursing Home have dedicated their lives to caring for those who come their way. Their passion for women's health, together with mastery in their field, has changed the lives of many families.

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Practice

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Practice

For any Queries please call: 04633-224575